Hi there, its me. Yeah, I'm home for my semester's break. This July will be my last semester in Dip. of Nursing. In sha Allah. May Allah ease everything. Pray for our success. Strive for better future.
Well, cuti kali nie memang sangat bosan. DakFais takk de kat rumah cause die dahh pung daftar UPNM last month. Parents and sister are working. So I'm home alone. Nothing to do. Just surfing, eating, then surfing again, eating again. Except doing the housework, I am doing nothing. Yeah, I repeat NOTHING.
Disaat kebosanan inilahh pulakk EA shut down the TSS. How come ?? EA is the cruel thing in this world. Rasa macam nakk upah Batman, Superman musnahkan that thing. Kenapa mehh kena shut down my addicted, fun, gorgeous game ever. Mengalir airmata masa nakk wish good bye dekat Sims ari uhh. Sangat sedihh okay. Owg yang betul-betul addict to this game should know the feeling.
Hmm, last Saturday lepak-king with Efah and Sai. We were celebrating Efah's birthday. Even dahh sebulan berlalu tapi masing-masing busy. So hari uhh jee ada masa. Kiteowg belanja Efah facial and makan-makan. Buat facial uhh memang best lahh. Tapi yang takk menahan nye seboleh-boleh nakk suruh owg continue rawatan muka dekat situ, beli produk, and sort of things. Sorry, not interested. But thanks to you lahh amoi cause dahh bersihkan segala black head kat muka nie. I think u guys should try kat NewYork Skin Solution nie. Best jugakk lahh.
14 June was my Mak's birthday. Celebrated at Serama Herbal BBQ. Sister and I shared money to buy her a Galaxy Note 10.1. Tapi yang gune banyak kat rumah nie bukan mak tapi dakk kakak. Hmm, sori lahh kak, sebab hp aku rosak kau takkde hp. Baek hati kasi aku gune dulu kau punya HTCButterfly. HTCOneX aku memang dahh critical abes.
And for Father's day last Sunday belanja ayah tengok movie, Peemak. HAHA. Masuk uhh dahh dua kali tengok. First time ngan dakk kakak. Memang best. Kelakau lahh sangat. Nak-nak ada my idol. Ooh MarioMaurer, even your teeth is so ugly I'm still into you lahh.
Hi there, its me. Yeah, I'm home for my semester's break. This July will be my last semester in Dip. of Nursing. In sha Allah. May Allah ease everything. Pray for our success. Strive for better future.
Well, cuti kali nie memang sangat bosan. DakFais takk de kat rumah cause die dahh pung daftar UPNM last month. Parents and sister are working. So I'm home alone. Nothing to do. Just surfing, eating, then surfing again, eating again. Except doing the housework, I am doing nothing. Yeah, I repeat NOTHING.
Disaat kebosanan inilahh pulakk EA shut down the TSS. How come ?? EA is the cruel thing in this world. Rasa macam nakk upah Batman, Superman musnahkan that thing. Kenapa mehh kena shut down my addicted, fun, gorgeous game ever. Mengalir airmata masa nakk wish good bye dekat Sims ari uhh. Sangat sedihh okay. Owg yang betul-betul addict to this game should know the feeling.
Hmm, last Saturday lepak-king with Efah and Sai. We were celebrating Efah's birthday. Even dahh sebulan berlalu tapi masing-masing busy. So hari uhh jee ada masa. Kiteowg belanja Efah facial and makan-makan. Buat facial uhh memang best lahh. Tapi yang takk menahan nye seboleh-boleh nakk suruh owg continue rawatan muka dekat situ, beli produk, and sort of things. Sorry, not interested. But thanks to you lahh amoi cause dahh bersihkan segala black head kat muka nie. I think u guys should try kat NewYork Skin Solution nie. Best jugakk lahh.
14 June was my Mak's birthday. Celebrated at Serama Herbal BBQ. Sister and I shared money to buy her a Galaxy Note 10.1. Tapi yang gune banyak kat rumah nie bukan mak tapi dakk kakak. Hmm, sori lahh kak, sebab hp aku rosak kau takkde hp. Baek hati kasi aku gune dulu kau punya HTCButterfly. HTCOneX aku memang dahh critical abes.
And for Father's day last Sunday belanja ayah tengok movie, Peemak. HAHA. Masuk uhh dahh dua kali tengok. First time ngan dakk kakak. Memang best. Kelakau lahh sangat. Nak-nak ada my idol. Ooh MarioMaurer, even your teeth is so ugly I'm still into you lahh.
Hello Fellas! Big smile for you! yes you're someone in front of monitor!
Name: Asilah Amirah Binti Ismail. Taken by: Abdullah Syarafi Bin Ismail. Birthday: 24 January 1992 Age: 21 y/o. I'm a happy kid. Stay at: Malaysia. A little thing called love :
We're currently dating about five years.
We're just the PREFECT TWO.
Hope we're still together till the end of our lives.
We went to the same high school but now we're separated to different colleges.
I'm just a weirdo girl
We're love each other from the bottom of our kidney.
“I have found the paradox, that if you love until it hurts, there can be no more hurt, only more love.” ♥♥♥