its all about us
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my journey. ooh yeah !
Saturday, July 17 |
12:47 ✈
hi. so how are u? i'm fine here at KMM. plus minus. almost a month i already stay in KMM.
in a month many things happened. bad. good. happy. sad. but i had through it. and i succeed.
many of KMM's people condemn the PDT's students. they thought we are not good enough to study there.
yes. we all know that our qualifications are very minimum to get this opportunity.
for those who are hate PDT's students just wasting their time. because we are not interested in your hostility.
we are here to study. so just back off. :)
well. last week i joined the BTN camp. at BESUT, TERENGGANU.
wow ! it's lot of fun. many inputs. many games. its my sweet memory. even there are some bad things happened.
i got last class M2T8. but the best thing is i'm with AINAA ELIAH.
yeah. my ex-school member. besides, i got new friends. HANA and NURUL.
they always make me laugh. so funny. :)
in my class there are 24 students. some from kelantan. terengganu. johor. selangor. kl. and of course
from melaka.
from melaka.
6 of them are boys and the rest are girls. even we are just know each other only a month. but we are close.
if one of us got problems like been condemn from lecturer for not the right thing. the others will get
hurt too.
hurt too.
we are just like a family. i love my friends.
well. what about assignment? don't worry. first week we got assignment for maths. second week we
all had
all had
our first quiz. we are rushing. but we did with our best.
its so we did our best till we have to re-quiz. kuang kuang kuang.
currently. we are hardly doing our assignment make a brochure.
for english subject. so fun right. :)
well. enough for this entry. for those who have been touched in my words. i apology.
till then. take care dear.
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