bosan nye dok umah.ari nie x wat pape pon.
juz on9 ms.fs.ym tp xad chat sesape.
then mndi.solat.mkn.akak msak nasi greng jep.
tbe2 mak blek.soh g bg haiwan belaan ak mkn.
sapu kat ruang depan.basoh pggan.
dan ade owg dtg skunk nk psang tv LCD.
tvLCD???huh.mcm x caye jep.
mayb berkat bela haiwan tue kot dpt untung.
ALHAMDULILLAH.hope rezki nie xdtrik semula. bru je pas afie kol.waduh.rndu la nk men msj ngn abg.
tp iela pham keadaannye.iela sbar.iela syg abg tau.
jap g die ckp nk kol lg.tggu jelah.
waa.lme nye owg nie psang.siap nk tbuk2 dndng umah ak.
ayh lak xleh lame.nk msok keje blek.xnk ak tggl sorg ngn owg2 tue.
hei,ak dgr bunyi tv laa.da siap kot.emmm.bgos la.
abg on9???
what??akak ckp nk kmas blik mak coz ad owg nk psg aircond.
peh xsgka.huhuhu.ak hnye owg kg sje.ALHAMDULILLAH.
emmm.da ym da.nk wat keje lak.
bosan nye dok umah.ari nie x wat pape pon.
juz on9 ms.fs.ym tp xad chat sesape.
then mndi.solat.mkn.akak msak nasi greng jep.
tbe2 mak blek.soh g bg haiwan belaan ak mkn.
sapu kat ruang depan.basoh pggan.
dan ade owg dtg skunk nk psang tv LCD.
tvLCD???huh.mcm x caye jep.
mayb berkat bela haiwan tue kot dpt untung.
ALHAMDULILLAH.hope rezki nie xdtrik semula. bru je pas afie kol.waduh.rndu la nk men msj ngn abg.
tp iela pham keadaannye.iela sbar.iela syg abg tau.
jap g die ckp nk kol lg.tggu jelah.
waa.lme nye owg nie psang.siap nk tbuk2 dndng umah ak.
ayh lak xleh lame.nk msok keje blek.xnk ak tggl sorg ngn owg2 tue.
hei,ak dgr bunyi tv laa.da siap kot.emmm.bgos la.
abg on9???
what??akak ckp nk kmas blik mak coz ad owg nk psg aircond.
peh xsgka.huhuhu.ak hnye owg kg sje.ALHAMDULILLAH.
emmm.da ym da.nk wat keje lak.
Hello Fellas! Big smile for you! yes you're someone in front of monitor!
Name: Asilah Amirah Binti Ismail. Taken by: Abdullah Syarafi Bin Ismail. Birthday: 24 January 1992 Age: 21 y/o. I'm a happy kid. Stay at: Malaysia. A little thing called love :
We're currently dating about five years.
We're just the PREFECT TWO.
Hope we're still together till the end of our lives.
We went to the same high school but now we're separated to different colleges.
I'm just a weirdo girl
We're love each other from the bottom of our kidney.
“I have found the paradox, that if you love until it hurts, there can be no more hurt, only more love.” ♥♥♥