B : eh,mcm serius jep.ko jarang nk serius nie.ye ak jnji.
A : ok.ape pndapat ko kalo ade owg selongkar barang peribadi ko?
B : huh?! kalo ak la owg wat mcm tue.peh..! mmg x patut la.tue hak ak.mane leh owg amek.selongkar.suke ati jep.
A : emm.die x rase mcm mane brg2 peribadi kena selongkar kot.cuba la kalo die berada kat owg yg kena tue.mesti die rase x puas hati kan.
B : wey,ko sebenar nye ckp psl sape nie?
A : eh,xade sesape la.ak saje jep tanye.kalo ade berlaku situasi mcm nie.ko jgn amek serius sgt la.
B : owh.okey.da la jom study.
A : ok.thanks tau bg pendapat ko tue.
Sunday, November 1 | 12:28 ✈
A : B ak nk tnye sket la.
B : tnye pe? tnye jelah.kalo ak leh jwb ak jwb.
A : emmm.ak ckp ko jgn heboh2 lak.jnji tau.
B : eh,mcm serius jep.ko jarang nk serius nie.ye ak jnji.
A : ok.ape pndapat ko kalo ade owg selongkar barang peribadi ko?
B : huh?! kalo ak la owg wat mcm tue.peh..! mmg x patut la.tue hak ak.mane leh owg amek.selongkar.suke ati jep.
A : emm.die x rase mcm mane brg2 peribadi kena selongkar kot.cuba la kalo die berada kat owg yg kena tue.mesti die rase x puas hati kan.
B : wey,ko sebenar nye ckp psl sape nie?
A : eh,xade sesape la.ak saje jep tanye.kalo ade berlaku situasi mcm nie.ko jgn amek serius sgt la.
B : owh.okey.da la jom study.
A : ok.thanks tau bg pendapat ko tue.
Hello Fellas! Big smile for you! yes you're someone in front of monitor!
Name: Asilah Amirah Binti Ismail. Taken by: Abdullah Syarafi Bin Ismail. Birthday: 24 January 1992 Age: 21 y/o. I'm a happy kid. Stay at: Malaysia. A little thing called love :
We're currently dating about five years.
We're just the PREFECT TWO.
Hope we're still together till the end of our lives.
We went to the same high school but now we're separated to different colleges.
I'm just a weirdo girl
We're love each other from the bottom of our kidney.
“I have found the paradox, that if you love until it hurts, there can be no more hurt, only more love.” ♥♥♥